Nano Brows


What is it?

This is the process of tattooing pigment into the skin to simulate the appearance of natural hair strokes. Although it is considered a permanent makeup tattoo, it does fade and touchups are recommended every 2-3 years or when the pigment is at least 50% faded in order to keep the color and shape precise. 

Nano Brows is meant to be a subtle natural enhancement and meant to create fuller more beautiful brows. Rather than using a hand tool and blade like with Microblading, Nano brows are done with a machine and small needle. This service is meant to be more gentle on the skin and perfect for ALL skin types including oily, big pores, sensitive and aging skin types. 



During your 6-12 week follow-up we can assess your pigment retention and make any adjustments needed. This follow-up also increases the longevity of your Permanent Cosmetics.




Color Boosts

This is only for my clients who missed their 6-12 week touch up session.

Annual Touch Ups

Annual touch ups are only for my past clients! This is typically done 3-5 years after your touch up session or when they’re 50% faded. Send me photos of your lips before scheduling a touch up session to see if they’re faded enough. If you have PMU done by another artist and would like to book with me, you will be charged the first session price. Please send me photos of your lips up close and full face to determine which service is best for you.


** I require a $50 deposit to secure your appointment **