Permanent Eyeliner


What is it?

Upper and lower lash liner enhancement is the most natural form of permanent eyeliner. It is simple and elegant for everyone as the liner is only done on the lash line exactly where the lashes grow. This style makes the eyes appear brighter and achieves a gorgeous “eyelash tint” look.

Top eyeliner is a thin line on top of the lash line with a slight taper. If you want your eyeliner to be visible when you close your eyes this service is best for you. 

Top eyeliner with a wing or wedge is a thicker tapered line on top of the lash line with a slight extension. We custom design this in order to fit your ideal liner design. 

These services heal within 7-10 days. Minimal swelling is normal for 24-48 hours. The more you ice the day of your appointment the less swelling you will have.

All services require a 6-12 week follow up appointment to perfect the shape. Eyes retain the best pigment, therefore you will expect to get 3-7 years out of this treatment or more. 

Please remove your lash extensions before your appointment and until 2 weeks after your touch up session. Even if we are doing only bottom eyeliner they still need to be removed or you will need to reschedule your appointment.

You MUST NOT use lash growth serums 2 weeks before your appointment as it makes the capillaries engorged with blood and could make you swell more as well as effect the color and retention.



During your 6-12 week follow-up we can assess your pigment retention and make any adjustments needed. This follow-up also increases the longevity of your Permanent Cosmetics.




Color Boosts

This is only for my clients who missed their 6-12 week touch up session.

Annual Touch Ups

Annual touch ups are only for my past clients! This is typically done 3-7 years after your touch up session or when they’re 50% faded. Send me photos of your eyes before scheduling a touch up session to see if they’re faded enough. If you have PMU done by another artist and would like to book with me, you will be charged the first session price. Please send me photos of your eyes up close and full face to determine which service is best for you.


** I require a $50 deposit to secure your appointment **